Reviews & FAQs
Q: Will a wardrobe edit with you mean I need to buy a whole new wardrobe?
A: No not at all. The purpose of a wardrobe edit is to keep the pieces working for you and your style then identify where the gaps are. This is where we create a shopping list of key pieces you need to create a more sustainable wardrobe that works for you every day.
Q: My wardrobe is a mess. Is there somewhere else we can do this?
A: I’m here to help you, not judge you. For a wardrobe edit we empty your wardrobe and start with an empty space so a tidy up isn’t necessary. We will go through all clothing, accessories and footwear, but don’t go into any personal items.
Q: Do you style all sizes and ages?
A: Yes! Our bodies change over time and your style is not defined by your age or size. I will teach you how to confidently put together your outfits while expressing yourself though your clothing choices.
Q: I have a special event coming up can you help me find an outfit?
A: Absolutely. We want you to look and feel a million dollars without the stress of searching out the perfect outfit. Let me help you achieve the look you’re after without the hassle.